Friday 20 November 2015

Political Science-Propagandology

In 1970, when Richard Nixon was President of USA, the infamous Watergate scandal was at the center of informational curiosity. What it was and what it had to do with US politics, a lot of activists and social groups were harassed by the close aides of Nixon. It was boiled up event because of the news that Nixon had tried tapping communicating devices in the offices of DNC  at Watergate office. I started with this because after the realistic purview when came out by the courts, it was highlighted that Government tried its best to invade into the premises of Watergate to invoke information, irrespective sort of. Consequence of this scandal was resignation of Nixon from his office in 1974. I have planned it that political atmosphere of the powerful country in the world was such that even the
person in opposition had to use his government functioneers to know whereabouts what-about of certain committee, this political sycophancy was least in India until the Politics of Majoritarianism took over. But as they say everything happens for good, political rivals to the majoritarianism politicos did not wanted to participate in political majoritarianism instead they created divide within the communities on the ground of accusing the party with a severe majority face behavior. I knowingly used the majoritarianism politics,

         Why? There are around Hundred and ninety three countries in the world with recognition from  UN. From among these around Seventy Eight percent countries are majoritarian politically active countries. These countries definitely find essentials of Democracy as there basic authoritative policy. Even if in the Latin countries where around half of the countries follow Communist socialist form of Government have majoritarian run Governancy. I stated all these facts because of the politics involved in these countries regarding the form of politics they believe in. I mentioned it in comparison to our country where being a majoritarian had been ridiculed to the lowest level by the Political ground definers. I still cannot understand why to disengage and play with majority in the name of appeasing minority. This is like total discrimination with less gruesomeness. I stated this because larger part of political ground in our country is based on Religious matters, Caste matters, Poverty matters, and related to these three every other matter is circulated from one to the another, Simultaneously.
           Some or the other if the population of the Majority is more in the stats, all other definitive measures, be it anything would be more in majority driven country. Crime, Poverty, Economical disparity, Regional conflicts with respect to majoritarianism would be more in accordance. If a small incidents occur it is more frequent to have happened in majority ridden place. It means Majority had to play role in active politics with involvement of  rivals within the majority, not by dividing the minds of the people and letting minority be unsecured on the basis of Majoritarian flak. If our country was not divided on the basis of caste religion in political matters, it would have seen less of internal conflicts of minds which it sees every other day.

            It happens because of the propaganda which gets created every other day on the name of appeasement. According to articles Twenty nine and Thirty Minority and Lower castes institution can run peacefully without intervention of anyone and certain other articles have been stated with Minority as responsibility to the majority. if there had been politics of majority and rivals would have stated their ideology in that prism it would had been lot better with the help of minority without dissent among the communities. Let the fight be between the majority holders and be away from conflicts of Religion.